An European motorbike for the first time in the history has passed the test that guarantees its status as a “cyber-secure vehicle”.
The test has guarantee according to UNECE/R155 regulations and according to the ESTP procedure and methodology developed by Eurocybcar, a technology company based in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
Today, the vehicles on our roads are equipped with a minimum of technologies – Bluetooth, GPS, Airbag, eCall emergency call in the event of an accident, remote control key and even an app that allows control of vehicle data and functions from a mobile device – and, if they are not cyber-secure, they are susceptible to being stolen or remotely manipulated – taking control of the steering or brakes – by someone with intent to harm, putting at risk the lives of the people on board; stealing the driver’s personal information – phone contacts and messages, location, photos, route being taken… And all of this, with the aim of spying, blackmailing, guiding the user to a dangerous destination… and, ultimately, attempting on his or her own life.
Since 2012 this has become a reality: cars have been remotely stolen , vehicles have been ‘hijacked’ for a bitcoin reward, drivers’ personal information has been accessed via Bluetooth while driving, access to the interior of the vehicle has been blocked, cars have been recalled due to a cybersecurity flaw…
You can see the real cases at https://eurocybcar.com/en/real-cases/
This is one of the reasons why the UNECE – United Nations Economic Commission for Europe – has developed in record time a cybersecurity standard for vehicles: UNECE/R155, which establishes the minimum cybersecurity requirements that a vehicle must accomplish.
The Eurocybcar test and the European cybersecurity regulation UNECE/R155
Eurocybcar anticipated the regulation, creating the first test in the world that measures and evaluates the cybersecurity level of a vehicle, using the ESTP methodology and according to the requirements of the UNECE/R155.
This regulation came into force in January 2021 and requires that cars, buses, trucks, vans, trailers and motorhomes that are homologated – from July 2022 – and marketed – from July 2024 – in the European Union and countries adhering to the regulation, such as Japan, South Korea, Russia, Australia or South Africa, must be cybersecure.
Although this regulation does not cover motorbikes, as the UNECE considers that they are not sufficiently connected, eurocybcar has succeeded in demonstrating that UNECE/R155 will also have to include mopeds and motorbikes – vehicles of categories L1, L3 and L4 – as these vehicles are also connected and therefore susceptible to cyber-attacks.
The world’s first cyber-secure vehicle is a European-made motorbike
For the first time in history, a vehicle has passed the test that guarantees its status as a “cybersecure vehicle”: it is the Nuuk Cargopro electric motorbike, which has obtained this accreditation after passing the eurocybcar test, in accordance with the requirements of the UNECE/R155 standard and according to the ESTP – Eurocybcar Standard Test Protocol – procedure and methodology, developed by Eurocybcar – a technology-based company established in Vitoria-Gasteiz, which identifies, evaluates and prevents risks affecting vehicle cybersecurity, fleet management systems and telecommunications infrastructures, in accordance with current regulations.
In this scenario, the Basque firm Nuuk Mobility Solutions (NMS) – which develops and markets intelligent light electric vehicles – becomes the first automotive firm in the world to offer one of its electric motorbike models with a Vehicle cybersecurity certificate, according to the new European cybersecurity regulations. After passing the eurocybcar cybersecurity test, AENOR will audit compliance and subsequently issue a certificate that will be valid for three years.
Vehicles that pass the Eurocybcar Test and obtain the certificate demonstrate that they implement effective means to minimize the risk of a cyber-attack against the privacy and lives of the people on board, as well as the integrity of the vehicle’s systems.
The Eurocybcar Test
To pass the test, the ESTP methodology is applied, subjecting the vehicle to three types of tests: physical access, remote access and applications, which are carried out in the technical laboratory that Eurocybcar has located in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The Eurocybcar test analyses up to 70 specific cybersecurity threats included in the stringent UNECE/R155 regulation.
Source: Eurocybcar
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