AI generated influencer of Mahindra Racing

Influencer generato dall'intelligenza artificiale di Mahindra Racing

Ava is the name of the new AI-generated Influencer of Mahindra Racing, designed to showcase the team’s journey in the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship.

With the continued emergence of AI comes the opportunity for the team to engage and inform new and existing audiences, and to demonstrate how, when applied correctly and ethically, the technology can be used to inspire the next generation to make a positive change to the planet.

Using AI technology including Midjourney and Leonardo AI, Ava will be present across Season 10 and at other events with the team, interacting with the team, drivers and shining a new light on the team’s journey back to Championship contention in the coming years.

Influencer generato dall'intelligenza artificiale di Mahindra RacingWhen designing and developing Ava, Mahindra Racing sought the expertise of Eden Tarn and his team who have extensive experience in AI.

After designing Ava using Leonardo AI, Patrreon’s InSwapper tool was used to replace a real-life model – typically a member of the team trackside – with Ava’s likeness. The final step was to use Midjourney to bring Ava’s digital environment to life, and generate the finished image for her dedicated social media account (@avabeyondreality on Instagram).

Using the endless opportunities afforded by AI, Ava will also shine a spotlight on new and emerging technologies in the fight for a more sustainable future, and showcase best practice in the team’s push for a more environmentally-friendly automotive industry.

One of our core values at Mahindra Racing is to be future-focused – explains Roanne Crouse, Head of Partnerships at Mahindra Racing.

As the conversation continues to grow around sustainability, we believe it’s important to find new and innovative ways of reaching people, and to spread the message far beyond our own reach as a professional racing team.

Having Ava, an Influencer that is strongly associated with us and documents our journey, but with a broader appeal to help promote our core values as an organisation, is a project we’re hugely excited about.

Mahindra Racing exists to develop technologies through racing that will, in time, lead to a more sustainable automotive industry on the road, so too we believe that AI can have a positive impact on educating, encouraging and inspiring people to act now.  

Source: Mahindra Racing

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