Distribution partnership agreement for Bugatti and Rimac with Volkswagen Group of America

Bugatti Rimac Volkswagen America

Accordo di partnership di distribuzione per Bugatti e Rimac con Volkswagen Group of America

Bugatti Rimac signed a distribution agreement with Volkswagen Group America that will be the official exclusive importer of Bugatti and Rimac vehicles into the USA.

Bugatti Rimac ha firmato un accordo di distribuzione con Volkswagen Group America che sarà l'importatore esclusivo ufficiale di veicoli Bugatti e Rimac negli Stati Uniti.

The move will see the sale of both Bugatti and Rimac-branded vehicles across the States taken on by Volkswagen Group of America to secure and evolve the exceptional level of customer service that both brands have already established.

Accordo di partnership di distribuzione per Bugatti e Rimac con Volkswagen Group of AmericaThe agreement was signed during Monterey Car Week, where both brands, Bugatti and Rimac were displaying examples of their hyper sports car range; the Bugatti Chiron Super Sport, Bolide and W16 Mistral as well as the new Rimac Nevera Time Attack.

Pablo Di Si, CEO of Volkswagen Group of America, Mate Rimac, CEO of Bugatti Rimac, Christophe Piochon, COO of Bugatti Rimac, and Bugatti Rimac Commercial Director, Hendrik Malinowski each signed the new collaborative agreement.

It promises to not only improve the distribution network of Bugatti Rimac in the US but also symbolizes the seamless integration of Bugatti Rimac’s innovative spirit and Volkswagen of America’s unmatched market presence and influence. In parallel, current COO of Bugatti America, Sascha Doering, will take on an expanded role that will encompass the Rimac brand.

Source: Bugatti Rimac

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