Microlino live Instagram with Electric Motor News

Microlino Instagram

Today, Thursday 16 April at 18.00, in our Instagram channel @electricmotornews, live interview with Merlin Ouboter, one of Microlino’s top managers.

Microlino InstagramThe Swiss company Micro Mobility Systems AG from Zurich conceived and developed the Microlino and also presented the Microletta project in March.

With Merlin Ouboter we will talk about how the work is proceeding in these particular moments of the Covid-19 world pandemic, how they are preparing to restart, what are the launch forecasts of Microlino and Microletta and the relationship with CECOMP, a Turin-based company that has production of the car.

Appointment for tonight at 18.00 on Instagram … @electricmotornews

#MarceloPadin #theEMNteam

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