Seen and heard at the London E-Prix, a synthesis of news and curiosities

Visto e sentito nel London E-Prix, una sintesi di novità e curiosità

In the last round of Formula E season 9 at the ExCel in London, conversations aimed at deciding what the Gen4 regulations will be.

In the first meeting on Wednesday afternoon, some commercial aspects were discussed, but also the technical ones in an informal way and we saw all the team representatives who also met again on Friday evening for another briefing.

From what we’ve heard, there are no big news to report and at the moment there are several possibilities on the table to decide which line to follow, with a very specific focus: giving greater importance to the performance.

Will they go to the circuits?

Visto e sentito nel London E-Prix, una sintesi di novità e curiositàAlejandro Agag, in one of the events held at ExCel, spoke openly in front of many invited people and clearly said that the idea is to have 600 horsepower on the Gen4, but in that case it would also be necessary to rethink the race and according to what reached the Long Ear of Electric Motor News, it would not be excluded to think about racing on permanent circuits.

There is a fact. With such a power, at least the circuits where you race with a view to safety must be rethought.

Same tires for next season

We spoke to Thomas Baltes, Hankook Chief Engineer Motorsport, who confirmed that the same tires will be used in season 10 as this year. Baltes said it takes at least a year to develop a new type of tires and it would already be too late to think about a change now. This concept was confirmed in the press conference held by Hankook Tire by Manfred Sandbichler, the Director of Hankook Motorsport Europe.

Visto e sentito nel London E-Prix, una sintesi di novità e curiosità
Alessio Conti di Hankook preparando le gomme per il London E-Prix

But a spontaneous reflection arises: if before officially starting Hankook’s “adventure” in Formula E different types of tires were developed and the FIA decided which one to use, it means that tires must not be developed from scratch, but that there it is already a development made previously which theoretically could be drawn on to have other tyres.

Still speaking of Hankook Tire, the tires used for Jake Hughes’ indoor record were specially developed for this event, which took place on the indoor straight of the ExCel circuit, said Thomas Baltes.

How much does a Formula E season cost?

Visto e sentito nel London E-Prix, una sintesi di novità e curiosità
Inizio delle operazioni… e dell’apertura dei “pacchi”

If you have some pennies saved up and intend to set up a Formula E team, we’re offering you the prices we heard in the paddock for a season… estimated price obviously… million more or million less.

First of all, it must be said that a customer team spends between half and a third of what a manufacturer’s factory team spends. The greatest expenditure is obviously in the development of the powertrain, both from a technical, logistic and personnel point of view; expenses that a customer team does not have to bear because it finds itself with everything already done.

The figures that have reached our ears speak of about 25 million per car, or 50 million. This of course is for the operation of the team, powertrain development, testing and personnel, while marketing is excluded from this calculation and is obviously highly variable.

#MarceloPadin #theEMNteam

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