The merger for the motorsport of the future where HYRAZE League partners form HYRAZE GmbH


The founding of a limited company (GmbH in German) marks the next step of HYRAZE League in the development of the revolutionary hydrogen racing series.

By the start of the series, up to six associates will join forces within the framework of one round of investment. As managing director, Martin Marx, member of the Executive Board of HWA AG, will head the newly-formed HYRAZE GmbH until further notice.

The partners involved will bundle their impressive technical know-how. At the same time, the pioneering project offers investment opportunities for potentially interested parties. Several investors have already pledged their support for the concept of the ground-breaking series, which is built on sustainability. Cutting-edge technologies are being used in the development of the race cars, which are powered by green hydrogen. The resulting technology platform is providing a boost to innovation, from which the production of hydrogen-powered road vehicles will also benefit. This corresponds with the basic philosophy of the series, which is to use motor racing as a development platform for series production.

HYRAZE GmbHFour patent applications, which reflect this potential for innovation and transformation, have already been filed. The role of key technology includes the battery cell technology tested by the Fraunhofer Institute, which represents a quantum leap in the development of hydrogen or electric vehicles. Up until now, only a limited amount of energy has been available for regeneration. However, this problem is now being solved by a totally different type of battery use. In the HYRAZE League car, the battery is not used as a storage medium for primary energy, but purely as a performance battery. The primary energy is generated by the hydrogen and is then largely made available again by regeneration under braking. When braking fully, up to 80 percent of the braking on the front axle is performed via the electric motors. This figure is up to 100 percent on the rear axle. This makes it possible to recover an extremely high proportion of the energy. A patent application has also been filed for the complete ECU, which connects, controls and monitors the hydrogen components, fuel-cell drive, steering and brakes.

Fine dust pollution minimised

The minimisation of fine dust pollution is a key factor in efforts to make the mobility of the future easy on resources and the environment. For this reason, the brake system in the HYRAZE League boasts a technical innovation, which massively reduces emissions. To gather the brake particles in arising in the car, the brake has been moved from the wheel into the transmission. Here, the dust lands in the oil bath and is then filtered out. Moving the brake also makes it possible to collect and suck away tyre debris using a ventilation whilst driving.

Generally speaking, in the HYRAZE League, a modular and self-contained overall vehicle concept has been developed, which offers new perspectives for a sustainable form of mobility. The possible use of the individual technological innovations in road transport was also considered when developing them.

The common approach of renowned partners in the HYRAZE League was presented in August 2020. The goal of the series is to reposition automobile racing within society by focussing on sustainability and the use of future technologies. The first season of the HYRAZE League is planned for 2023.

Martin Marx, member of the Executive Board, HWA AG:

With the formation of GmbH, the HYRAZE League is now taking the next logical step. Through this merger, we will be able to effectively bundle the top-class competences of the individual partners. Even now, in the early phase of the project, we are witnessing the inspirational innovation generated by the series. A number of patent applications have already been filed, and many more are being prepared. It is a pleasure, together with the partners, to forge ahead with the development of this revolutionary series and to work towards the moment when the lights go green in the HYRAZE League.

Michael Kühner, Head of Development Electronic Systems, HWA AG:

With the HYRAZE League, we want to bring motorsport back to what it was originally: a fast and effective development platform for series production. For this reason, even in the early stage of the project, we have already considered the demands of automobile production with regard to safety, the environment, quality and comfort, without having to sacrifice the performance of the race car. What makes our car concept special is that the concept, which is based on sustainability, can only be realised by linking the individual technical innovations. Each patent complements the next. Only this way is it possible to develop a car with such extraordinary driving characteristics, which is also so efficient, easy on resources and environmentally sound.

Source: HWA

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