Two electric trucks have been in operation at the main plant of Škoda in Mladá Boleslav since 1st October, as an integral part of the corporate strategy.
They are being used to transport goods within the plant, and more electric trucks are in the pipeline. Using these vehicles, the Czech car manufacturer plans to save 60 tonnes of CO2 each year compared to their diesel powered counterparts.
Škoda auto is systematically reducing its environmental footprint and has significantly tightened its environmental targets as part of the Next Level – Škoda Strategy 2030 corporate strategy.
Since the beginning of October, Škoda auto Logistics has been testing the two electric trucks for internal transport. Equipped with standard semitrailers, they will have replaced diesel-powered trucks on the respective routes by next May.
The next step will involve transporting BEV batteries through the Mladá Boleslav plant on specially made, shortened semitrailers from June 2022. For this purpose, the semitrailers will be equipped with conveyor technology for automatic pallet loading and unloading.
The range of the locally zero-emission trucks is 80 km per charge, and the batteries take 4.5 hours to fully charge. They use around 200 kWh of electricity per 100 km, and by deploying them, Škoda auto plans to save 60 tonnes of CO2 annually.
As part of its ‘Green Future’ strategy, Škoda auto is pursuing ambitious sustainability goals, which it has defined for the areas of Production and Logistics in its ‘Green Logistics’ approach. The company had reduced CO2 emissions by 25 per cent compared to vehicles with conventional drivetrains by using natural gas-powered trucks (CNG) on the factory premises and is now taking the next step to further minimise emissions by introducing e-trucks.
Source: Škoda Auto
Il progetto di Škoda di promuovere un’organizzazione aziendale sostenibile è davvero rispettabile. L’impatto ambientale che un’azione di ordinaria routine ha, quale la movimentazione delle merci all’interno di uno stabilimento, è decisamente alto. Se si pensa a quanto verrebbero ridotte le emissioni di CO2 moltiplicando le 60 tonnellate prevista da Škoda per tutti gli stabilimenti presenti sul territorio, si otterrebbe una cifra davvero enorme. Complimenti alla casa automobilistica per il progetto! Ci auguriamo che sia da esempio per numerose altre aziende.