DS Virgin Racing si sforza per il successo a Monaco

La DS Virgin Racing si dirige verso il Monaco ePrix con aspettative elevate a seguito del podio di Città del Messico

Questa è la quinta gara della stagione FIA ​​Formula E che arriva in Europa, con una serie di gare in stretta successione

Entrambi i piloti delle vetture DSV-02 lotteranno per i punti importanti nella gara di sabato pomeriggio.

Fonte: DS Virgin Racing


Coventry, Gran Bretagna. 5 Maggio 2017. Una corsa emozionante a Città del Messico lo scorso mese ha visto la DS Virgin Racing salire al terzo posto nel FIA Formula E Championship dopo un terzo ed un sesto posto per i piloti Sam Bird e Jose Maria Lopez. La squadra è stata determinata a dimostrare di avere avuto il ritmo ed è esattamente quello che hanno fatto e che ora sta cercando di riportare nel quinto turno della stagione a Monaco il 13 Maggio.

Le prove di qualifica a Monaco saranno cruciali. Il circuito di 12 curve e soltanto di 1.09 miglia (1.76 km) non permette facilmente i piloti di superarsi, per cui la squadra sta cercando di massimizzare le loro possibilità di avviare la gara dal più vicino possibile alla parte anteriore della griglia. I piloti combatteranno poi durante 51 giri intorno al circuito stretto e ondulato, raggiungendo la velocità massima di 118mph nella curva uno ed una minima di 25mph nella curva tre.

La Formula E torna a Monaco per la seconda volta dove Sam Bird è terminato quarto nella prima stagione. Il pilota britannico non è estraneo a questo circuito iconico dove ha già vinto in altre gare di altri campionati.

Parlando prima del Monaco ePrix, Sam Bird ha commentato:

“Sono molto entusiasta della gara in Monaco. Tornare al Principato è sempre sorprendente per un pilota e ho avuto dei ottimi risultati in passato vincendo sia in Renault World Series che in GP2. Mi sento molto bene davanti a questo evento, qui sono arrivato nel quarto posto l’ultima volta e credo che abbiamo fatto un ottimo lavoro dal Messico. Credo che entrambi io e il mio compagno di squadra stiamo combattendo per i punti forti del sabato pomeriggio “.

La classifica attuale di Formula E vede Sam Bird in quinta posizione con solo 13 punti che lo separano dal terzo posto. mentre Jose Maria Lopez ha raggiunto il 13esimo posto dopo il sesto posto a Città del Messico.

Il pilota argentino ha dichiarato che “Città del Messico è stata una corsa deludente per me, anche se è stata la mia classifica più alta finora, ma poteva essere stata meglio. Sono entusiasta di correre a Monaco. Mi sento positivo ed i miei risultati sono migliorati durante la stagione, dato che sono cresciuto in confidenza con l’auto “.

Il Team Principal Alex Tai ha commentato:

“Monaco è un circuito iconico ed è un privilegio per noi correre qui in Formula E. Monte Carlo è l’epitome del glamour, del patrimonio e delle corse, e il Monaco ePrix sarà una gara impressionante. E’ stata una sell out nella prima stagione e siamo entusiasti di tornare qui e correre davanti alla folla. Con la squadra che ha fatto bene a Città del Messico e dimostra quanto siamo competitivi, non c’e ‘alcun motivo per non vedere i piloti sul podio di Monaco “.

Xavier Mestelan Pinon, DS Performance Director ha commentato

“Da Città del Messico abbiamo effettuato due sessioni di test di sviluppo per migliorare le prestazioni e l’efficienza della vettura. Ciò fornirà ai nostri piloti le migliori opportunità per le gare di Monaco e Parigi “.

Per giocare una ruolo nel successo del DS Virgin Racing nella stagione in corso, i tifosi possono lanciare il loro voto del FanBoost a favore di Sam Bird o José María López. Questo può essere fatto usando l’app ufficiale del campionato, il suo sito web (www.fiaformulae.com/fanboost), Twitter o Instagram inviando l’hashtag #Fanboost, seguito da #SamBird o #JoseMariaLopez! La scorsa stagione, la DS Virgin Racing è stata la squadra che ha ricevuto il maggior numero di voti di #Fanboost e ogni voto posto potenzialmente aiuta a sostenere quel pilota.

FIA Formula E Championship 2016-2017 (5/12) – Monaco race Programme

Activity                                                                                    Time

Friday 12 May 2017

Shakedown                                                                             15:00

Saturday 13 May 2017

Free Practice 1                                                                        08:00

Free Practice 2                                                                        10:30

Qualifying – Group 1                                                                12:00

Super Pole                                                                              12:45

Race                                                                                       16:00

Technical data – DSV-02

Length                                                                                     5 metres

Width                                                                                      1.78 metres

Height                                                                                     0.99 metres

Wheel base                                                                             3.10 metres

Weight of the car                                                                     880kg minimum (with driver)

Weight of the batteries                                                             190kg (capacity 28KW/h)

Engine                                                                                    One electric motor driving the rear wheels

Maximum power                                                                      200kW (271ch)

Racing energy recovered power                                                150kW*

Supply                                                                                    700 V

Gearbox                                                                                  3 gears

Brakes                                                                                    Ventilated carbon disks, 4-piston callipers

Maximum speed                                                                      140mph (225kph)

Acceleration from 0 to 62mph/100kph                                       Less than 4seconds

Braking distance                                                                      100metres to slow from 130mph to 25mph

Tyres                                                                                       Michelin Pilot Sport EV2

Tyres dimensions                                                                     245x40R18 (front), 305x40R18 (rear)

*Energy recovered when slowing down or braking


In English

DS Virgin Racing striving for success in Monaco

DS Virgin Racing heads to the Monaco ePrix with high expectations following a podium finish in Mexico City

This is the fifth race of the FIA Formula E Championship season as it arrives in Europe, with a number of races in close succession.

Both drivers of the DSV-02 cars will be fighting for strong point scores come Saturday afternoon.

Source: DS Virgin Racing

Coventry, UK, 5 May 2017. A thrilling race in Mexico City last month saw DS Virgin Racing move into third place in the FIA Formula E Championship following a third and sixth place finish for drivers Sam Bird and Jose Maria Lopez. The team was determined to prove it had the pace and that’s exactly what they did, and is now looking to carry this momentum into the fifth round of the season in Monaco on 13 May.

Qualifying in Monaco will be critical. The 12-turn 1.09mile (1.76km) circuit will be difficult for drivers to overtake on, so the team are looking to maximise their chances of starting the race from as near to the front of the grid as possible. Drivers will then battle over 51 laps around the narrow and undulating circuit reaching speeds of 118mph at turn one and a minimum of 25mph at turn three.

Formula E returns to Monaco for the second time where Sam Bird finished fourth in the first season. The British driver is no stranger to this iconic circuit where he has previously won here in other Championship races.

Speaking ahead of the Monaco ePrix, Sam Bird commented:

“I’m very excited about the race in Monaco.  Going back to the Principality is always amazing for a driver and I’ve had some great results there in the past by winning both in World Series by Renault and GP2. I feel very good ahead of this event, I came fourth here last time for the team and I believe we’ve done some great work since Mexico. I fully believe that both myself and my team mate will be fighting for strong point scores come Saturday afternoon”.

Current Formula E standings put Sam Bird in fifth position with only 13 points separating fifth and third place. Jose Maria Lopez moved to 13th place following a sixth place finish in Mexico City.

The Argentinian driver said “Mexico City was a disappointing race for me, although it was my highest finish so far, it could have been better.  I’m excited to race in Monaco.  I feel positive and my results have been getting better during the season as I have grown in confidence.”

Team Principal Alex Tai commented

“Monaco is an iconic circuit and a privilege for us to race here in the Formula E calendar.  Monte Carlo is the epitome of glamour, heritage and racing, and the Monaco ePrix is set to be a race to impress. It was a sell out in the first season and we’re excited to return here and race in front of the crowds. With the team performing well in Mexico City and showing just how competitive we are, there is no reason for us not to see the drivers on the podium in Monaco”.

Xavier Mestelan Pinon, DS Performance Director commented

“Since Mexico City we have carried out two development testing sessions to improve the performance and the efficiency of the car. This will provide our drivers with the best chances for the back-to-back Monaco and Paris races.”

To play a part in DS Virgin Racing’s success as the new season gets under way, fans can cast their FanBoost vote in favour of either Sam Bird or José María López. This can be done using the championship’s official app, its website (www.fiaformulae.com/fanboost), Twitter or Instagram by sending the hashtag #Fanboost, followed by #SamBird or #JoseMariaLopez! Last season, DS Virgin Racing was the team that received the highest number of #Fanboost votes and every vote placed potentially helps support that driver.

FIA Formula E Championship 2016-2017 (5/12) – Monaco race Programme

Activity                                                                                    Time

Friday 12 May 2017

Shakedown                                                                             15:00

Saturday 13 May 2017

Free Practice 1                                                                        08:00

Free Practice 2                                                                        10:30

Qualifying – Group 1                                                                12:00

Super Pole                                                                              12:45

Race                                                                                       16:00

Technical data – DSV-02

Length                                                                                     5 metres

Width                                                                                      1.78 metres

Height                                                                                     0.99 metres

Wheel base                                                                             3.10 metres

Weight of the car                                                                     880kg minimum (with driver)

Weight of the batteries                                                             190kg (capacity 28KW/h)

Engine                                                                                    One electric motor driving the rear wheels

Maximum power                                                                      200kW (271ch)

Racing energy recovered power                                                150kW*

Supply                                                                                    700 V

Gearbox                                                                                  3 gears

Brakes                                                                                    Ventilated carbon disks, 4-piston callipers

Maximum speed                                                                      140mph (225kph)

Acceleration from 0 to 62mph/100kph                                       Less than 4seconds

Braking distance                                                                      100metres to slow from 130mph to 25mph

Tyres                                                                                       Michelin Pilot Sport EV2

Tyres dimensions                                                                     245x40R18 (front), 305x40R18 (rear)

*Energy recovered when slowing down or braking

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